
Lipari-Vulcano discrete geodetic networks

La Forgia network

With the aim of improving the detail of the investigation, in May 1990 a denser array composed of 12 benchmarks was installed in the northern sector of the crater terrace of “La Fossa” and measured by EDM techniques from the northern promontory of the island (Vulcanello). Six benchmarks of the network V3 (already existing), F4, F5, F6, F7, F8 (V3/F4-F8) were positioned above the “La Forgia” depression, characterised by intense fumarolic activity and slope instability. The other benchmarks F1,F2, F3 (F1-F3) and F10, F11, F12 (F10-F12) were installed in relatively more stable bordering areas along the rim in order to control the extension of the deforming area and verify any bias affecting the measurements.



EDM measurement for La Forgia
