
Etna discrete geodetic networks

Pernicana networks

Two local geodetic networks were installed by “Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia” in April 1997 across the eastern portion of the Pernicana fault, on Rocca Pignatello and Rocca Campana areas. GPS technique was adopted to survey the RCN network, while EDM technique was adopted to measure the Rocca Pignatello one (RPN). The two networks are relatively small, covering an area in the order of 1 square km and consisting respectively of 6 and 4 benchmarks. The first measurements of the networks were carried out in early 1997; since then, the networks have beenwere surveyed at least three times per year in order to adequately detected pattern and rate variations of ground deformation. From July 2002, 5 new benchmarks were installed at RPN area and the GPS technique has been adopted to survey them, so in September 2002 the last EDM survey on the old RPN network was carried out.

Pernicana GPS networks